Home Page


My name is Juliette. I am a 20 year old from the UK, who has been giving her perspective of life and the world since the age of 12. It began with an informal website that I started with my mum on Blogger in 2017, which gave me the platform to write about the things I was passionate about. Then my writing led me here, a blog where I aim to write about my life as a young adult and stories we can all learn from. In day-to-day life, you can catch me providing history tours to customers on punts on the River Cam. Or you can catch me creating choreography for dance videos that I upload to YouTube. Both aspects of my life, as well as my daily routine as a history student at Durham, will be showcased on this blog.

However, I am also someone who comes from a multicultural background. My dad is half English half Japanese and my mum was born on a small French province in the Indian Ocean called Réunion Island. Not only do I like to consider things deeply, I also have a unique perspective on the world due to my unique heritage and I aim to voice this perspective to create the necessary discussion with my readers.

I hope you are indeed one of them!

Juliette Page


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