Essay: The History of Hinduism and Buddhism

August 11, 2024 0 Comments

1 Q: What can historical artefacts from South Asia tell us about religious practices in the past? Answer with reference to at least two items from the Durham University collections. In this essay, I will be discussing religions in South Asia in relation to two historical artefacts, one linked to the Hindu faith and the other linked …

Summer in the Algarve

August 7, 2024 0 Comments

Back in June, I went on holiday to Faro in Portugal with my sister, her boyfriend and her friends. We booked an apartment near a marina for a period of 5 days, splitting the cost of the accommodation between us. It wasn’t a long holiday but it was enough to get me to relax after …

End of First Year

July 7, 2024 0 Comments

My last exam of my first year of university was on the 16th of May and I was due to have my summer ball on the 3rd of June. During exam season, we have no scheduled lectures or seminars. Instead, we just do revision for any upcoming exams we might have and we sit the …

We’ve All Been There

June 2, 2024 0 Comments

Me and my friend met at the entrance to the library, negotiating the best place to sit down for revision. We went down a set of stairs and then another. We meandered past some students studying diligently in silence. Then we found a table and two chairs, in a semi-quiet corner of the building. In …

Reflections on the Rwandan genocide: a continued peace?

May 5, 2024 0 Comments

“Our people will never be left for dead again,” said Rwanda’s president, Paul Kagame. On 6th April 1994, a plane carrying the former Hutu president, Juvenal Habyarimana, was shot down over Rwanda’s capital of Kigali, launching a massacre across the nation against the Tutsi population. From 7th April to 19th July 1994, 800,000 Tutsis and …

Living in the Uncertainty

April 28, 2024 0 Comments

Over the Easter holidays, I worked for three days every week to earn some more pocket money for university. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, I work as a river tour guide with the oldest punting company in Cambridge called Scudamore’s. Alongside giving the history of the Cambridge colleges, I also have to …

Let’s Drink Wine

March 31, 2024 0 Comments

As I am writing this, I am now back home in Cambridge for the Easter holidays. It’s a couple of weeks in now and I’ve been back to work pushing the boats up the river Cam, working on my 4,000 word project due at the start of next term (yikes) and also enjoying the time …

Introducing You To My Job

March 24, 2024 0 Comments

A couple of years ago now, I wrote a blog post for my previous website about my experience training to become a river tour guide with Scudamore’s Punting Company in Cambridge. If you would like to read this very entertaining blog post (because genuinely, it is), then you can find that linked at the end …

The Joy in Dance

March 17, 2024 0 Comments

A lot of people ask me why I decided to do the International Baccalaureate at sixth form instead of the A-levels. Looking back on how much of a mental toll that course took on me and how many tears that were shed during those two years, I ask myself that question a lot too! However, …

Sisters in Durham

March 3, 2024 0 Comments

A few weeks ago now, my parents came to visit me in Durham. Two weeks after they came, my sister and her boyfriend came to visit me too. Now that Epiphany term is gradually coming to an end, I’m reflecting back on how this term has gone and I must say, it has felt very …